Authentic Products of Nepal
Authentic Products of Nepal
Product authentication is the process of verifying a product’s unique identity, its origin or parentage. In dictionary terms, it’s a process for determining whether a particular product is genuine or real when evaluated by a specific set of standards. Nepal which is diverse in culture and rich in history also has several authentic products that have been in production since hundreds of years ago. Now, here is a list of some of the authentic products of Nepal that are in existence and productions since some centuries ago.
Thangka Paintings:

Thangka Painting (Source:Lucky Thanka)
A thangka is a Tibetan Buddhist painting on cotton, silk applique, usually depicting a Buddhist deity, scene, or mandala. This is not just any normal kind of painting instead people believe Thangka to create positive influences in their surroundings. Its brilliant colors and forms awaken the mind and energize consciousness. Its images stimulate capacities for visualization and nourish the heart. People in this era also say that just the act of looking at a thangka is itself a good deed. By meditating on such objects, one can train and gain an understanding of certain types of awareness that the specific image portrays. Another reason for commissioning a thangka painting may be to bring about good health, prosperity or long life.
Moreover to these benefits, Thangka has a great history and is very important part of Tibetan culture and Nepali arts.

Singing Bowl
Singing Bowl:
Smoothing hhmm… humming sound coming out of a bowl makes everyone close his/her eyes and concentrate on the sound. The Deeper it touches the more comfort it makes. This is the magical sound of “Singing Bowl” here in Nepal.
Singing Bowls are the ancient brain entrainment methodology for healing and meditation. These bowls have been in use for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and soul. If you find out a real singing bowls, you can use singing bowls instead of a cup of coffee to help you digest food, to help you sleep and to help you recover from illness. There is a link between bowls and the Ayurvedic approach of music therapy and Ayurvedic medical care.
Buy Singing bowls at this link-> Buy Singing Bowls and get more information here at Info.

The Khukuri (Source: E-bay)
Khukuri are one of the unique knives with a unique slashing edge. It is a national weapon of Nepal and represents Nepal and Nepalese all around the world. It has a distinct recurve in the blade and is in use as a tool as well as weapon. These Nepalese Khukuri are high quality and handcrafted. So, they make an excellent souvenir, particularly for collectors. But, it can be difficult to transport. So, do know about the size limits of Khukuri that can be easy to transport.
Usually a Khukuri comes with two small pieces of blades inside its cover. The blade is called Karda. The “Karda” is a small utility knife used to perform small tasks that the big kukri blade cannot. The “Chakmak” is the sharpener used to sharpen both the main blade, which is the Khukuri.

Pottery Square in Bhaktapur (Source: Ghumgham)
The art of making clay pottery is as old as human civilization. This age-old tradition of making clay pottery still exists in our societies and still possesses strong socio-cultural values in our livelihood. Despite of all influences of modernization and development, the potters of Kathmandu Valley still find their livelihood on their potter’s wheels.
Thimi, small Newar settlement in Bhaktapur District of Kathmandu valley is known for their clay art for centuries. Kumale, Prajapati and Awale are some of the Newar castes belong to the pottery profession. In Thimi, mostly Prajapaties are involved in making pottery. The art of making pottery is handed down from generation to generation as their family tradition and profession.
Buy Ceramics at this link-> Buy Ceramic Products and get more Information at Info.
Lokta Paper (Nepali Handmade Paper)

Lokta Paper (Source: Paperesque)
Nepali Handmade Paper Making is 2000 years old technique and one of the ancient traditional crafts from Nepal. People use it in their daily lives for writing valuable legal documents, for making sacred or popular masks, for kites, etc. The monks of Tibet have always used it for their manuscripts and for printing sacred tests. This paper is renowned for its exceptional durability and for its lively and special texture.
The use of Lokta paper nowadays is diverse. People nowadays make things such as Notebooks, Photo Frames, Shopping bags, Gift Boxes, Pencil holders, Photo albums and may other products using Lokta paper. Also, Lokta paper’s durability and resistance to tearing, humidity, insects and mildew have traditionally madelokta paper the preferred choice for the recording of official government and sacred religious texts.
Buy Lokta paper Product in this link-> Lokta Paper Products and get more information on Info.