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Welcome to Mahaguthi !

Mahaguthi Craft with Conscience is a not for profit, WFTO Guaranteed Fair Trade Organization which produces, markets and exports Nepal’s crafts. Mahaguthi serves both domestic as well as international markets and has two shops based in the Kathmandu Valley. Our organization represents the efforts of more than one thousand individual producers, fifty percent of whom are from remote and mountainous areas. Most of our producers are women who are given the chance to employ traditional skills in their own homes, thus enabling them to generate extra income. Your each purchase from Mahaguthi directly helps the people involved in every step of supply chain as 68% of the sales go back to the artisans of the products.

[woo_tab_slider title1=”Ceramics ” title_length=”0″ category=”stoneware-and-earthenware-ceramics” select_order=”” numberposts=”6″ item_row=”1″ tab_active=”1″ columns=”3″ columns1=”3″ columns2=”2″ columns3=”2″ columns4=”2″ speed=”50″ interval=”2000″ scroll=”1″]
[woo_tab_slider title1=”Cashmere ” title_length=”0″ category=”cashmere” select_order=”bestsales” numberposts=”50″ item_row=”1″ tab_active=”1″ columns=”3″ columns1=”3″ columns2=”2″ columns3=”2″ columns4=”2″ speed=”1000″ interval=”5000″ scroll=”1″]
[woo_tab_slider title1=”Home Decors” title_length=”0″ category=”home-decor” select_order=”rating” numberposts=”5″ item_row=”1″ tab_active=”1″ columns=”3″ columns1=”3″ columns2=”2″ columns3=”2″ columns4=”2″ speed=”1000″ interval=”5000″ scroll=”1″]
[woo_tab_slider title1=”Kids Wear” title_length=”0″ category=”kids-wear” select_order=”bestsales” numberposts=”5″ item_row=”1″ tab_active=”1″ columns=”3″ columns1=”3″ columns2=”2″ columns3=”2″ columns4=”2″ speed=”1000″ interval=”5000″ scroll=”1″]
[woo_tab_slider title1=”Nepalese Paper Crafts ( Lokta Paper )” title_length=”0″ category=”lokta-paper-craft” select_order=”rating” numberposts=”80″ item_row=”1″ tab_active=”1″ columns=”3″ columns1=”3″ columns2=”2″ columns3=”2″ columns4=”2″ speed=”1000″ interval=”5000″ scroll=”1″]

Mahaguthi Kupondole Shop with Teej (Women’s festival in Nepal with red color appearance) Theme Display.

More than 600 Products available at Mahaguthi.

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